Communication for Learning
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Services Offered



Services Offered

Lighthouse Speech & Language operates as a fee-for-service, private pay entity. We gladly accept cash, check or credit card. We will not bill a family's insurance company directly - families are responsible for payment for all evaluation and treatment sessions at the time of service. Documentation will be provided for insurance reimbursement under "out of network" coverage.

More information about reimbursement for speech and language services through private health plans can be found at the  American Speech Language Hearning Association (ASHA) website.

Speech language therapy can help children who...

  • have trouble being understood

  • are late talkers

  • do not follow directions

  • struggle to find words

  • are mispronouncing sounds and words

  • are not reading and/or writing on grade level

  • don't seem to understand what they read

  • get frustrated when trying to describe or tell a story

  • have trouble making friends

  • struggle to understand and figure out what other people are thinking

  • struggle to express themselves verbally

Speech and Language Evaluations

  • Include initial interview, direct testing, scoring tests, writing report, writing goals/objectives, discussing report with the parent and/or individual

  • Take approximately 2-3 hours of interview/testing time with the patient

  • Report is issued in one to two weeks

  • Are medically-based

  • Are interpreted and written by a therapist who has a clear understanding of the skills required to be successful in a classroom environment as she has worked in the public schools with students of all ages, pre-K through high school

Individual Therapy

  • Parents are invited to come in at the end of the session for consultation, so they can learn techniques to use at home

Social Learning/Social Skills/Pragmatic Language Groups

Click here to see current Social Groups

  • Lessons

    • Instruction for social skills/social learning/social thinking at Lighthouse Speech & Language is usually provided in a small group setting. If a child requires more structured teaching initially, individual therapy may be recommended. Social concepts are taught in a lesson, and then practiced in a fun group activity that may include Legos®, books, blocks, games, videos, building a child- sized pirate ship, iPad learning apps, and more. All teaching is done using a positive approach, without focusing on "good" or "bad" behavior.

    • Therapy is based on the work of world renowned expert, Michelle Garcia Winner. More information about her Social Thinking® methodology can be found at

  • Grouping

    • Children are grouped based on their age and pragmatic/social learning abilities

  • What is the difference between social thinking/learning therapy and traditional social skills groups?

    • Social thinking groups (also known as social learning groups) begin with learning the relevant core Social Thinking® concepts, and then practice the use of those concepts in the individual's natural environment. Traditional social skills programs target behavior change as the primary focus, without addressing the reasons "why" or "how". Children with social difficulties do not understand "how" to change their behavior, and they don't understand "why" they have to change their behavior because they have difficulty understanding the perspectives of others. Social Thinking® concepts and methodology help children (and adults) to better understand social relationships, and to build social connections with others. For more information, click here: Parents: Is Your Treatment Team Teaching Social Thinking Well? 15 Questions to Ask Professionals in Private Practice.

Assistive Technology (AT) Training/Evaluation/Consultation

FEES: Based on service requested

  • Evaluation/Consultation

    • Discussion with student, parent, and teacher regarding class requirements

    • Assistive technology trials with student

    • Recommendations discussed with staff, student and parent

    • Report issued within two weeks

  • Training

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluations /Trainings

FEES: Based on service requested

  • AAC Evaluation

    • Pre-Assessment form and Vocabulary Development forms are provided by the therapist, and completed prior to the evaluation session

    • Evaluation visit includes observation of the student; meeting with parents, staff and speech therapist; trials with the student; recommendations discussed; report including goals and objectives is issued within two weeks

  • AAC Training/Implementation

    • Keeping up with ongoing vocabulary development for general communication (core), academic participation (fringe), and social skills

    • Partner training to improve communication fluency

      • Aided language learning = modeling and expanding language in the classroom and at home

      • Communication training in natural environment

    • Using AAC communication strategies in the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) classroom

    • Technology training to learn how to program vocabulary for the recommended system